Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lime Avocado on Toast

Can you tell that avocado is a comfort food for me? And since my two older kids (Horse Lover and The Monkey) will not come within 10 feet of an avocado and they are joined in their madness by my husband (The Honey), then I often get the avocado all to myself. It's just one of those little pleasures that makes life worth living.

By far, my favorite (and most common) way to eat an avocado is to have Lime Avocado on Toast. As long as the avocado isn't too big I can usually get all the avocado on two slices of bread. If it IS too big or I'm feeling generous and have someone to share with, I'll occasionally take it to 3 pieces of toast. Therefore, I don't know if this keeps well once it's made and I wouldn't try it unless you're willing to let some precious avocado go to waste.

Lime Avocado on Toast

1 ripe avocado
1 Tbsp. lime juice
Nature's Seasons (or salt/pepper) to taste
2-3 slices of whole-wheat toast

Slice your avocado in half lengthwise and pull apart. Remove the pit.

Using a large tablespoon, scoop out the inside of the avocado and place in a small bowl.

Take a fork and lightly mash the avocado. You can make it as smooth or chunky as you like - I prefer the chunks of avocado be left in.

Last, add 1 Tbsp. lime juice and sprinkle evenly with Nature's Seasons or salt and pepper. Mix well and spread on lightly toasted whole wheat bread.


Karen said...

I love avocado! And I love your blog! I am going to try the garlic bread :)

Anita said...

Thanks, Karen! And I'm glad to hear you liked the garlic bread.

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