Monday, September 7, 2009

Cheesy Garlic Bread

Just so you know, I hate moving. Granted, I'm so grateful to be in my own home again - and out of that black tile kitchen we had in our townhouse - but the process itself is stressful and has completely worn me out, as you can see from the lack of blogging over the past week.

This past weekend we had our first "Sunday dinner" in our new home, surrounded by half-unpacked boxes and miscellaneous items. So it had to be something tasty, but easy to fix. That means I served a couple things that were store-bought because we ate down our freezer items before we moved. I know, I know. Just shoot me now. It gets worse. I used store-bought french bread made with white flour! Gasp!

In spite of my blatant disregard for my family's wholesome nutrition, we had a delicious meal - and an easy one. I made a "quick and easy" variation of my grandmother's / mother's spaghetti sauce that I will post later this week, and we had my favorite cheesy garlic french bread. So easy, so yummy, and devoured by all garlic-bread lovers in my home.

Cheesy Garlic Bread

2 "dollops" of buttery spread (I use Move Over Butter)
1 tsp parsley
2 medium cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
4 drops of Worcestershire sauce
1 loaf of french bread

Put two dollops of buttery spread in a small bowl. What's a dollop? It's a heaping spoonful. Looks something like this:

Add garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese, and Worcestershire sauce and mix well.
Cut 12 slices off a loaf of french bread.
Generously spread with garlic mixture and place on a foil covered cookie sheet.
Broil in the oven for several minutes until tops are lightly browned. As you can see from the picture, I'm still learning my new gas oven and some got a little darker than the others. So my food doesn't always turn out picture perfect - shocking, but true. However, it all tasted fabulous!

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