Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Plan

"Hello, my name is Anita and I'm addicted to sugar."

I really could go to a meeting and say that line, you know.  As I mentioned a few weeks ago I have finally decided to get serious about taking off the extra 35-40 pounds that I haven't lost since giving birth to Handsome Man.  Considering that he's now 18 months, that's probably a good plan.

In the process of denying myself my favorite drug (sugar) I have realized several things.  And although this is supposed to be a blog about food and most of you don't really care about my personal issues, I'm going to indulge myself and tell you anyway.  Assuming you choose to read on, of course.

First of all, I have realized that the way I eat isn't the problem: it's the symptom of the problem.  The same can be said for being overweight.  Obesity is more of a symptom, than a disease.  I'm sure your doctor would argue with me, but your therapist wouldn't.  I've been self-medicating with food since I was a teenager.  It's a family habit.

When I lost weight before on Sophia's Plan, I was amazed by my success, but I was still obsessed with food.  What I could eat, what I couldn't eat, researching every restaurant known to man to know what the caloric content of their food was, and even eventually learning how to indulge my addiction in much smaller (and therefore healthier) doses.  People who were around me a lot got sick of hearing about it all the time.  At first I couldn't stop talking about it, and then when it was obvious I was losing some serious weight, other people I knew couldn't stop asking me about it.  It was a constant focus for me, though unintentional.

So where does that leave me now?  Well, now it's time for me to remove the clutter in my diet and in my life.  I deserve better than this, and so do my husband and kids.  It is also time for me to replace my obsession with food with healthier and more productive behaviors and habits, such as composing music - my true love.  It doesn't mean that I will never post another recipe on this blog again, but it does mean that I won't be posting as often.  If you're a follower or subscribe to this blog using a blog reader program, you'll get notified when I update.  If you're not, I hope you'll check in from time to time and see what's new.  Either way, Happy New Year and God bless!


*Jess* said...

Sounds like a plan!

Anonymous said...
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Barbara said...

Go for something you love and enjoy it.
Hopefully you will post some of your tunes on your other blog sometimes.

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