Friday, January 15, 2010

Apples & Caramel

This "recipe" is one that I learned in college.  Back then I was still Nutritionally Ignorant, and thought that when something was "fat free" it was better for me.  Therefore I would make this stuff all the time with fat free sweetened condensed milk and think I could eat all I wanted.  Now that I know better, I don't make it very often but it is oh-so-good when I do!

So what's the recipe?  Since there's only one ingredient, I guess there isn't one.  But here's how you do it...

Take a can of sweetened condensed milk (your favorite brand or type) and peel off the label.

Place it into a pan with enough water to cover it (or almost cover it).  Bring the water to a boil, and let it boil for about three hours.

Since you'll be boiling this for a while, there's two important things you must do:

1.  Add hot water from time to time.  The water levels will go down over time when you're boiling water, so you'll want to be sure and keep the water levels high enough to keep the can mostly immersed.

2.  Move the can around periodically.  You don't want the milk to burn on one side, and if the can is only mostly immersed, you'll need to make sure it rolls around to cook evenly.

    After 3 hours, remove from heat.  Allow the can to cool before opening so you don't burn yourself.  And from experience I can tell you that if you open that can hot, there is some serious pressure built up inside.  Trust me and be patient.  Let the can cool.  When it's cool enough to touch, take off the top.

     Spoon caramel into a small dish and store in fridge.

    Or, cut up some apples and enjoy yourself!


    Bronwen said...

    This sweet treat is a staple at my hubby's Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner tables! His mother is the maker of this sweet treat!

    Bronwen said...

    This sweet treat is a staple at my hubby's Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner tables! His mother is the maker of this sweet treat!

    JennyB said...

    I'm glad to see this recipe still making the rounds!

    Here in Mexico, we also have little mini sweetened condensed milk cans (with pop-tops). They contain about a 1/4-1/3 cup of s-c milk, and so they make good lunchbox fillers. You know, for those of us who let our kids take a can of caramel in their lunches. ;)

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